Log Details of Unpaid or Underpaid Acting Jobs

Would appreciate it if you could contribute and push this out to your networks. Lets start filling this in. You can also view the results to date, to make sure you aren’t duplicating someone else’s efforts.

Actorsminimumwage Blog is initiating an attempt to capture advertisements recruiting professional actors in the UK to work for little or no pay. This is called crowdsourcing- because it allows a number of people to share out the task.

This form and spreadsheet is a communal effort to crowdsource a database of unpaid acting jobs that are being advertised in the UK. It is intended to capture the true scale of the problem and provide hard data with which to lobby government and employers. If possible, also try and capture a screenshot (PC using the PrtSc key on your keyboard/ Mac using the Grab application) as definitive evidence.

This is following on the efforts of the Arts Group’s spreadsheet to ‘crowdsource a data sheet of all unpaid internships’ which in part exists to help catch out companies attempting to recruit unpaid interns. (This is a great place to record unpaid work for emerging directors, producers, dramaturges, technicians and runners.)

This data will be available to organisations like Equity, BECTU, Arts Council, and the TUC to try and get a handle on the number of unpaid acting jobs out there.

Would appreciate it if you could contribute and push this out to your networks. Lets start filling this in. You can also view the results to date, to make sure you aren’t duplicating someone else’s efforts.

1 Response to Log Details of Unpaid or Underpaid Acting Jobs

  1. Bernard Merrick says:

    I came across an ad on Facebook for “Farmageddon”, did I want to be a Monster? I clicked on the link and, lo and behold, they want volunteers! Although the tickets are quite pricey (£16, £17 and £18) they are offering an undetermined sum to reimburse travelling expenses!


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